its all in your head neon sign

How to Choose the Right Custom Neon Sign for Your Home Decor

Choosing the ideal custom neon sign is akin to uncovering the final puzzle piece for your home decor. With a diverse selection of customization options available for your lighting, you have the opportunity to find the perfect neon sign that not only reflects your style but also infuses every room with a lively and dynamic energy.
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How to Select the Perfect Custom Neon Sign for Your Home Decor Introduction:

Neon signs have the ability to completely transform any space into a visually captivating sanctuary. But with such a wide array of options available, how do you go about choosing the ideal custom neon sign for your home? Fear not! In this guide, we'll walk you through the essential steps and considerations to help you pick the perfect custom neon sign that reflects your style and adds a radiant touch to your living space.

Define Your Design Theme:

Before diving into customizing your neon sign, it's essential to establish the design theme you're aiming for in your home decor. Are you looking to create a vintage-inspired ambiance, a sleek and modern aesthetic, or perhaps a playful and whimsical atmosphere? Clarifying your desired design theme will guide you in selecting a custom neon sign that complements and enhances your overall decor style.

Take Space into Account:

The size and layout of the space where you plan to place your custom neon sign are crucial factors to consider. Evaluate the dimensions of the area, whether it's a living room, bedroom, office, or cozy corner. A larger space can accommodate a bold and attention-grabbing neon sign, whereas a smaller area may benefit from a more subtle and compact design. Take measurements and visualize how the neon sign will fit into the space, ensuring it neither overwhelms nor gets lost among other elements.

Reflect Your Personality:

Custom neon signs offer an excellent opportunity to showcase your personality and individual style. Consider what message, word, quote, or symbol resonates most with you. It could be a motivational mantra, a beloved quote from literature or film, or an expression of your hobbies and passions. Let your imagination soar and design a custom neon sign that truly embodies your unique identity.

Select the Right Colors:

Color choice is a crucial aspect of selecting the perfect custom neon sign. Colors have the power to evoke specific emotions and set the mood in a room. Think about the ambiance you wish to create. Are you aiming for a warm and inviting atmosphere? Consider shades like red, orange, or golden yellow. For a more serene and tranquil vibe, explore hues of blue or green. Experiment with color combinations to find the ideal palette that complements your home decor.

Prioritize Quality:

When investing in a custom neon sign, prioritize quality above all else. At Unrivaled Neon, rest assured that you're receiving top-notch craftsmanship and durable materials. A well-crafted neon sign not only looks visually stunning but also ensures longevity, allowing you to enjoy its brilliance for years to come.

Seek Inspiration:

If you're unsure about the design or style you want for your neon sign, seek inspiration! Browse through design magazines, online platforms, and social media platforms like Instagram and Pinterest to gather ideas. Explore different fonts, shapes, and creative concepts that resonate with your taste. Remember, the objective is to create a custom neon sign that brings joy and personal significance to your space.


Selecting the ideal custom neon sign for your home decor is an exciting journey of self-expression and creativity. By considering factors such as your design theme, available space, personality, color preferences, and quality standards, you can find the perfect custom neon sign that adds a radiant and personalized touch to your living environment. Don't forget, our "Design Your Own" feature allows you to unleash your creativity and customize neon signs like never before!